Intrinsic motivation software for hiring that sticks

Attuned’s intrinsic motivator assessment and AI-driven insights provides managers with the tools critical for hiring, sustained motivation, and retention.
Poor motivational fit with their Manager is why many new hires leave
Not understanding a new hire’s motivations leads to mis-hires. People get frustrated. They leave. Knowing the gap in motivations between a new hire and their manager is critical for sustained motivation, retention and success.
The tools for hiring are imperfect
Traditional tools such as personality tests (and your gut feeling!) are imprecise, hard to action, and won't help you hire for value and motivational fit.
  • Fun
  • Can tell you some interesting things
  • Have no link to intrinsic motivation
  • Hard to use and not actionable
  • Don't show gaps with tips to lead someone different
  • Feels right
  • Can be wrong
  • Will create difficult situations that take lots of energy and time to fix
Reduce the rate of bad hires dramatically with Attuned
Harness data
for smarter hiring
Understand what intrinsically motivates a candidate, and accurately gauge values and culture fit at the interview stage.
Motivate and retain talent
beyond year one
Customise your communication and management style according to your employees' unique and evolving motivation needs so that new hires stay motivated 6, 12, 18 months after joining.
Avoid costly
hiring mistakes
On average it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee's salary to replace them. Waste zero time, energy, and money because you’ve hired the wrong person.
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Hire the right people,
then retain them for the long-term
Discover the candidate's intrinsic motivators
  • Learn candidate's value and work style in depth.

  • Create transparency in the interview process by openly sharing your own profile.

  • Provide a window into your company culture and that employee motivation is important to you.

  • Attract good candidates by differentiating your interview process
Visualize motivation gaps
  • Quickly see value and Motivation Gaps a candidate will have with the manager and the team instantly.

  • Get tips to personalize communication.
Visualize Culture Fit and Culture Add
  • Understand at a glance how a candidate fits within the team or company culture.

  • Learn about potential positive or negative team dynamics using data rather than feelings

  • Anticipate initial onboarding challenges before they happen.
Hiring success stories
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Hire for Fit
Every. Single. Time

The benefit of hiring the right people is exponential. Talk to us to learn more about how Attuned can help you and your team.